Posted November 26, 2013 by dove-author in Guest Posts / 0 Comments
Fellow-blogger and friend Cheryl Mahoney from Tales of the Marvellous also published a book this month and we thought it’d be a fun thing to swap interviews and introduce people to our books. So today we’re swapping interviews! I hope you’ll have as much fun reading them as we had answering each other’s questions.
Cheryl Mahoney can’t remember when she began her love affair with stories. She never goes anywhere (including the grocery store) without a book and a pen. Cheryl also writes a book review blog, Tales of the Marvelous, and is on Goodreads (MarvelousTales) and Twitter (@MarvelousTales). She has been previously published in The Ignatian, and has completed NaNoWriMo twice.
Welcome, Cheryl!
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Posted November 22, 2013 by dove-author in News / 0 Comments
Nikki from The Bibliophibian was kind enough to host an interview with me today.
Nikki is a dear and good friend, with a wonderful taste in books. (We were discussing that taste earlier today in another post, actually!) I always enjoy hearing what they have to say, whether about books or something else, and wish I were even half as smart, insightful and good with non-fiction words. <3
They also deserve a better introduction than I’m able to provide. (In my defence, I’m not good at introducing people on a good day and I think I might be coming down with something. 🙁 Not during Nano, body! Especially not when I’m horribly behind!) But, anyway, Nikki is lovely and their blog is well worth reading. And if you want to read the interview they did with me… You can read that here.
I hope you’ll enjoy it and Nikki’s other posts!