2020 Overview

Posted December 31, 2020 by dove-author in Miscellaneous / 0 Comments


Yearly Happenings

Wow. 2020 was… a year. Simultaneously over so far and lasting forever. I don’t think it was kind to anyone I know and I don’t think I need to go into too much depth why. Suffice to say the pandemic made everything a thousand times harder. I was doing so well at the start of 2020. Ahead on most of my must-complete goals, and then saw myself struggling to get everything finished because of the stress and uncertainty.

But, in writing this, I am grateful that we’ve made it to the end of 2020. I’ve had good things happen this year too, largely in the shape of new friends and staying in contact with old friends.

As always, though, my memory is just utterly abysmal and I’m still playing catch-up on… everything I’d intended to do during the year and, to be honest, my holiday. (All right, my break from reading academia.) I’m also surprisingly tired still. I felt like I was finally getting somewhere with that, but you know. 2020 was 2020.

I got some things published! Surprisingly! Though not as much as I’d hoped to get done. I have one academic paper to my name now! Well, my pen name. Which I suppose I will eventually have to poke at.

I put out one small digital-only collection of soft short stories for people who wanted or needed some gentleness and fluff this year. Just put them all together in a small volume and hopefully it’s helped people out. And.. beyond that I’ve just spent the year trying to deal with everything it’s thrown at us and at the very least not falling further behind on things.

2021 will see me still playing catch-up on a lot of things, so… I guess we’ll see how it goes. I aim to publish at least one collection, but beyond that? Who knows what the year will bring. I’m certainly not up to making any plans right now. I’m barely keeping up with everything I need to do before 2020 is truly over.


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